SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE CONSTRUCTED ENVIRONMENT University of Arizona, Tucson, USA 2-4 April 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS The Sixth International Conference on the Constructed Environment will be held at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, 2-4 April 2016. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes: Theme 1: Design Planning and Processes Theme 2: Building Processes Theme 3: Environmental Impacts Theme 4: Social Impacts CONFERENCE SUBMISSION DEADLINES We welcome the submission of proposals to the conference at any time of the year before the final Late Proposal Deadline (see below). All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission. The dates below serve as a guideline for proposal submission based on our corresponding registration deadlines. *Regular Proposal Deadline – 2 January 2016* Late Proposal Deadline – 2 March 2016 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CONSTRUCTED ENVIRONMENT The International Journal of the Constructed Environment aims to be a definitive resource on human configurations of the environment and the interactions among constructed, social, and natural environments. The International Journal of the Constructed Environment is double-blind peer reviewed, encourages the widest range of submissions, and aims to foster the highest standards in intellectual excellence. Articles may be submitted by in-person and virtual participants, as well as Knowledge Community Members. The International Journal of the Constructed Environment is indexed by: Art Source, Environment Complete, Environment Index For more information and to submit a proposal visit: http://constructedenvironment. Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and students who may be interested. Enquiries: support@ Web address: http://constructedenvironment. Sponsored by: The Constructed Environment Knowledge Community / Common Ground Publishing |
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